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The opening reflection, prayer or acknowledgment of the occasion.

The opening reflection or prayer is the acknowledgment of that which is larger than ourselves. It is different from the opening words whose audience is those gathered.

This acknowledgment and invitation into the celebration is directed toward that which is beyond ourselves. It is about the spirit of the occasion and adds a deeper sense of meaning and purpose.

Spirituality 2

Even if you are not religious, consider the miracle of your life, the amazing circumstances that drew you and your partner together, and the mystery of the future that awaits you. Welcoming that power and reality, is an acknowledgment that there are forces at work in our lives.

I urge you to not get hung up or trapped by "names", as that power beyond ourselves is bigger than a name. Even in Christian and Hebrew terms there are dozens of names that are attributed to God.

So, if you are comfortable, address the invocation to "God", if that best resonates with your faith tradition.

Even if you are not religious, take the step to invite that which is beyond yourself. Use names in the salutation such as . . . 


Maker of all that is seen and unseen

To the universe we say . . . . 

To the forces beyond our understanding

Great spirit of life

Designer of love and relationship, we invite you

The following are a few selections to consider.


O God, you who parted the waters, make the path clear for (Bride and Groom).   Give them direction and be a beacon to light their way.  


You who walked upon the waters, help (Bride and Groom) to walk with stability through the years that lie ahead.  

You who stilled the waters, be with (Bride and Groom) to bring peace, and to bless their lives together.  

Remember, that through immersion into the waters of baptism, (Bride and Groom)  entered into the life of Christ.  Bless them now as they embark upon a new life as wife and husband.  See their delights as well as their tears; hear their laughter as well as their cry; and taste with them the sweetness of their new relationship.  



Let us pause:

In whose presence we delight, extend to us your favor.  Bring to (Bride and Groom) joys that are yet unfulfilled; harmony that is yet unsung. 

Wine Glasses

Fill their chalice with goodness and have them drink deeply of the wines of your bounty.  


Let us take a moment to quietly, with eyes open or shut, reflect upon that which gives us wisdom for the days to come . . . .


Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.

As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.

Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.

Let us be agreed in our reflection this day.

(Desiderata, meaning "things desired", was written in 1927, by Max Ehrmann)


Spirit of life, spirit of grace, spirit of love,


Enfold (Bride and Groom) in your presence today.  Touch their hearts with coals that burn passionately for the well-being of others. 

Give to them relationships, and connect them with people who will nurture their souls. 

Fill the air with the fragrance of your blessings, and see in our gathering a reflection of your divine image.


As we move into this holy place, let us ask . . . .

that we be wakened to the beauty of these moments.  Entrust to us the vision of your mind when you created each one.  May our gathering in this place, symbolize the union of (Bride and Groom) whose lives will blend for the good of the whole.  Let our presence here give voice to the favor and support that we hold for (Bride and Groom).

Tree 2


O God, our God, holy is your name.  We invite your presence and ask that we may dwell this hour in your sight.

May our minds mirror that which your mind imagined when you created us.  Permeate our beings with your love and enable us to bear witness to the Spirit of Christ.  


Our senses are filled with the delights of your creation:  its fragrance, color, music, and the touch of friends.  Let us taste today the joy and delight of this time that has been set aside for (Bride and Groom). 

Dear creator God, maker of the universe, we present (Bride and Groom), whom you know well.  They have blossomed as your children.  We, with you, take pleasure in beholding the marvels that they are.  

Grant peace to their home;  joy to their spirits; love to their hearts.    



As we gather near this altar, we are reminded that you are the center and the focus of all that is. 

As each one of us has his or her  own particular place and role, each of us has brought a particular gift. 

We assemble today as family and friends in support of (Bride and Groom). 

Thank you for bringing us together.



As we gather together as a family, let us pray.

For the times we have shared, make us thankful. 

For the times we have been apart, make us remember. 

For the times we have talked, make us listeners.  For the times we have been silent, make us at peace. 

For the times we have received, make us gracious.  For the times we have given, make us humble.

For the times we have laughed, make us joyous.  For the times we have cried, make us strong.  

And if, in some small way, we can be to others what we have become to one another, then we will be blessed in our hearts, rich in our soul, and renewed in our spirit.

