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Wedding Rings

Wedding rings for the bride

Selecting wedding rings is important as rings are a tangible expression of one's commitment to getting married. There is definitely something truly romantic about having the ring to present to your partner at the time of the proposal. However, whether or not you have a tangible ring to present when you propose is a personal matter.

Bride's Ring

The proposal is really about the intent of the question, and not so much about the ring. If you already have the ring in hand for the proposal hopefully you made arrangements with the jeweler to exchange it should it not be your fiancé's preferred style or choice. If you did not have a ring when you proposed, then the way is clear to go shopping together, and you are not bound to a specific jeweler.

Each couple will be unique. I know my wife prefers to have input into gifts that I want to purchase for her. For my wife, having a choice in the selection is much more important than being surprised. Some people like surprises; some don’t.

Input and having a choice is important especially concerning items of a lasting nature and purchases that are of significant financial value. If something is for life, it is best to know that it is something truly admired for more than sentimental reasons.

Engagement and Wedding Band

For the bride, there is typically an engagement ring and a wedding band.

The engagement ring is worn at the time of the engagement and goes on the ring finger first. It signifies that the engagement has taken place. The wedding band is placed on the finger after the engagement ring and is placed during the wedding ceremony.

Wedding rings for the groom

When you go shopping to finalize the purchase of the ring for her, you will also want to shop for him.

Sometimes the guy’s ring is overshadowed by everything that is going on. Give attention to the ring selection for your male partner. He deserves to have something of significance to mark one of the most important decisions in his life.

Groom's Ring

Considerations include allergies to certain metals, lifestyle, one’s occupation, and whether or not you want your rings to match. There are a variety of metals, colors, styles, shapes, and cuts.

Wedding ring size

Have the wedding rings sized at the time of purchase. Take into account that hands gain and lose weight as we gain or lose weight. Be aware of fluctuations that may be brought on by stress, work, long hours with little sleep, health issues, and other life circumstances.

Rings Matching