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The exchange of wedding rings or tokens is the final formal step in the marriage ceremony. It marks the conclusion of the formal ceremony and takes place just before the pronouncement i.e. I now pronounce you . . . .
This section should be brief as the ceremony is coming to a close. The following is suggested wording that you might consider.
(The groom will repeat after the officiant)
I give you this ring
to wear upon your hand
as a symbol of our love.
(The bride will repeat after the officiant)
I give you this ring
to wear upon your hand
as a symbol of our love.
(The groom will repeat after the officiant)
I give you this ring as a token of the commitment and love we celebrate today.
(The bride will repeat after the officiant)
I give you this ring as a token of the commitment and love we celebrate today.
(The groom will repeat after the officiant)
I give you this ring
as a symbol of our love and unity.
(The bride will repeat after the officiant)
I give you this ring
as a symbol of our love and unity.
(The groom will repeat after the officiant)
With this ring, I marry you,
and give you my faithful love.
(The bride will repeat after the officiant)
With this ring, I marry you,
and give you my faithful love.
(The groom will repeat after the officiant)
This ring is a symbol of our union, a token of my faith and love.
(The bride will repeat after the officiant)
This ring is a symbol of our union, a token of my faith and love.
Officiant: What token do you bring as a symbol of the vows that you have taken?
Groom: I give you this ring, to wear upon your hand, as a symbol of our love.
Officiant: What token do you bring as a symbol of the vows that you have taken?
Bride: I give you this ring, to wear upon your hand, as a symbol of our love.
(The groom will repeat after the officiant) With this ring, I marry you.
(The bride will repeat after the officiant) With this ring, I marry you.