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Wedding Ceremony Script

Creating your ceremony

Determining your wedding ceremony script will create a true reflection of both you and your partner, your values, and what brings meaning and purpose to your life together.

Many suggestions are provided to help you construct your wedding ceremony. These suggestions are for each element of the wedding ceremony.

Reviewing and personally selecting the words that will be spoken during the ceremony will reflect how you envision and express your life together. Your wedding ceremony script will make this portion of your wedding very personal. 

You may want to use a journal to jot down ideas, wording that comes to mind over the weeks, and thoughts about how the wedding ceremony might be conducted.

Be sure to review your choices with your wedding officiant. Many wedding officiants will already have a preference in wording for each section of the ceremony. Determine well in advance if there is agreement regarding the selections that you have chosen. This may help you determine who you wish to officiate at your wedding.

Be creative in selecting what will be said during your wedding ceremony

After clicking on the links below ask yourself

Do any of these suggestions resonate with me? Will my wedding officiant be support of the selections that I am considering? In what areas am I willing to compromise?

Consider all of the content options

Select your wedding ceremony script

Each of the following links is a component of the wedding ceremony. Each component has several wedding ceremony script options. The sections are presented in sequential order and mirrors how the ceremony will flow.

Review each section of the wedding ceremony.

Determine if the suggested wording is in keeping with how you wish your love, relationship, and faith to be expressed.

Share this information with your wedding officiant to determine if you and your proposed officiant are aligned.

Click on each section to create your wedding ceremony script

  1. The wedding processional
  2. Welcoming your guests
  3. Inclusion opportunities for the guests
  4. Readings, poetry, holy writings such as scripture and quotes
  5. The opening reflection, prayer or acknowledgment of the occasion
  6. The Charge or the Vision of Marriage (The Message)
  7. Presenting the bride, groom, or couple
  8. The Intentions
  9. Preface to the Vows
  10. The Vows
  11. The Blessing
  12. Preface to the Exchange of Tokens
  13. Exchange of Tokens
  14. The Pronouncement
  15. The Benediction
  16. The Recessional

The following are highlights only of each section

The wedding processional

  • The processional and entrance
  • The traditional processional order
  • Things to consider
  • Let there be music

Welcoming your guests

  • Welcome to this day of celebration
  • The love of God is good, and His favor is upon us
  • The congregational blessing
  • To all who have travelled
  • We have come together in this place to share joy
  • What brings two people together
  • Dear friends, you and I are privileged
  • Jordan and Chris have invited us

How to include your guests

  • Five ways to include your guests
  • Hand muff warmers in winter; fans in summer
  • Good wishes basket
  • Dear friends and family

Readings, poetry and Holy writings

  • Poetry of Shakespeare, Lord Byron, Rainer Maria Rilke and more
  • Spirituality of Gibran and Saint Francis
  • Scripture from the Holy Bible

The opening reflection and acknowledgment

Our senses are filled with the delights of your creation:  its fragrance, color, music, and the touch of friends.  Let us taste today the joy and delight of this time that has been set aside for (Bride and Groom). 

The charge or central message

  • The dance
  • The journey
  • The garden
  • Wings toward discovery
  • Your marriage song

Presenting the bride, groom or couple

Who has raised you, provided for you, and loved you, and who has stood with you, and stands with you today

The intentions

Intention Wording Slide

Preface to the vows

On their own, they are meaningless, but when rooted in your love, your determination, your passion, and your kindness, they are the strongest force in the world. 

Wedding vows

Vow 3a

The blessing

Blessings convey intimacy and sacredness.

Blessings speak of commendation, appreciation and gratitude in a manner that conveys the highest levels of sincerity.

Blessings speak of that which is of the highest value in life, less about tangible possessions, and more about the elements and value of a virtuous life.

Blessings speak to both the present and the future being joyful for the present, and hopeful for that which is to come.  

Blessings express active, rather than passive commitment giving a sense of truth and substance to the occasion.

Preface to the exchange of rings

The tokens that you give to each other were chosen with love and care.  As you wear these rings, know that they are the reflections of your partner’s heart. Wear them as a reminder of the love that is yours to receive.

The exchange of rings

Ring Flowers White

The pronouncement

Pronouncement 1

The pronouncement states that the marriage has taken place.

The two key participants in the ceremony are officially joined together relationally, spiritually, and legally.

They are marred!

The benediction or closing

Benediction 3

May we depart from this place knowing the love of friends, the love of family and the love of God.

Let our beings be filled with anticipation for the time when we will come together again. 

Until that time, may the Spirit of God rest upon us, making us mindful of the joy of the Lord.

The recessional

  • What is a recessional
  • What signals that the recessional about to begin
  • What is the order of the recessional
  • What will be the musical selection for the recessional
  • What happens immediately following the recessional
  • How will the guests participate in the recessional
Music 2