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A blessing is an outward expression of affirmation promoting goodness, wellbeing, happiness, and an energy source of positive intention for the future.
In religious traditions it is an invocation or welcoming of God’s favor usually expressed in terms of a prayer. Blessings are a beautiful part of the ceremony as this signifies that what has, or is happening is good, wonderful, and greater than the act itself. There is a long lasting characteristic to a blessing.
1. Blessings convey intimacy and sacredness.
2. Blessings speak of commendation, appreciation and gratitude in a manner that conveys the highest levels of sincerity.
3. Blessings speak of that which is of the highest value in life, less about tangible possessions, and more about the elements and value of a virtuous life.
4. Blessings speak to both the present and the future being joyful for the present, and hopeful for that which is to come.
5. Blessings express active, rather than passive commitment giving a sense of truth and substance to the occasion.
In order to give a sense of congregational engagement, or involvement of the community that has gathered, the officiant may want to invite the wedding guests to raise their hand toward the couple as a sign of their support, and physical expression of their affirmation of the blessing.
Another option is to give each guest upon their arrival a small granite heart. These can be purchases for a modest price in bulk. After the Vows, have the officiant explain that everyone is offered the opportunity to place their heart in a basket or treasure type chest placed at the front of the couple. This is symbolic of the love, support and Blessing from those gathered. Appropriate music can be played in the background during this time.
There will be another opportunity following the pronouncement for a more robust response from the guests. This affirmation should maintain a sense of reverence, sincerity, and hold dignity and awe rather than it being a moment for applause. That can come later.
The following are a few examples.
Now, (Bride and Groom), may the Lord bless your union. May you dwell in God’s presence and feel God near to you throughout all your married life. May you see in your friends and your family, God’s care. May you hear in the voices of others, God’s encouragement. May you feel through the touch of those close to you, God’s love. May the spirit of God be with you. Amen.
(Bride and Groom) May the love of God, the presence of Christ and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be upon you from this day forward. Amen.
To you (Bride and Groom), we express our good wishes and joy for what has taken place today. Our joy continues with you as your life unfolds, as you create family, and as you both grow in yourself and in your relationship with each other as one. Our spirit joins with you this day, and in the days to come. Be assured of this, and draw from us support in knowing all that is good is before you. Be Blessed.