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The Wedding Ceremony Benediction and Closing Blessing

The wedding ceremony benediction and closing blessing bring the wedding ceremony to conclusion. It is the act of bestowing a blessing, good wishes, and energy for a future filled with happiness for the married couple.

Benediction 1

Immediately following the benediction will be the Recessional which is how the wedding party and guests will exit the gathering space, and move toward the venue for the celebrations.

Benediction 2

The officiant can invite those gathered to stand during the benediction. This will set the stage for the Recessional.

Wedding ceremony benediction and closing blessing options

The following are suggestions of what the Benediction might include.

Benediction 3

The Lord bless you and keep you, may the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you. 

The Lord shed the light of his countenance upon you and give you peace.  Amen

O God, as we leave this place, bless (Bride and Groom).  Permeate deeply into their lives and bring them to heights of ecstasy.  Surround them with your love and your care.  Fill them with your joy.  May they experience peace and contentment.  May your presence abound, and may you shed the light of your favor upon them.  Amen.

Benediction 4

May we depart from this place knowing the love of friends, the love of family and the love of God.

Let our beings be filled with anticipation for the time when we will come together again. 

Until that time, may the Spirit of God rest upon us, making us mindful of the joy of the Lord.

Be with your daughter.  Be with your son.  Be with your people.  May we go forth to serve you and others.  In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Envelop us in your presence.  Place your hand upon (Bride and Groom), and give them long days of life and happiness.  Make our hearts light as we celebrate this joyous day.  Look with favor upon us, and dismiss us in your peace, we pray.  Amen.

Benediction 5

And now may the love of God shine forth to light the way before us.  May we walk with wisdom, and patience.  May we be for each other as God has intended.  And may we find in each new day, the presence of Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen

Benediction 6

May the peace of God, that surpasses understanding,

the fruit of the Spirit of Christ,

and the fellowship of God’s Son

be yours,

both now and ever more. 
