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There are many elements involved in knowing how to plan my wedding. Often brides, grooms, and couples focus on the clothes, and that is good because what is worn expresses the personality of the couple and sets the tone for the event. But there is more, a lot more.
A well-thought-through process in planning your wedding will reflect you and your personality, in every aspect of the wedding from the wedding invitations, decorations, music, toasts, and tributes, right through to the threshold of the honeymoon.
A well-designed wedding plan will create an experience to be remembered by all and cherished by the engaged couple.
There are tools that can help to keep you organized.
Check out this Wedding Planning Book and Organizer for Newly Engaged Couples. Click Here
Month 1
1. Communicating about Your Wedding Plans
Month 1
2. How to make wedding planning decisions
Month 1
Month 2
4. Wedding Planner, Designer, or Coordinators to help with your Wedding
Month 2
5. Apps and online tools for your wedding: Are they right for you?
Month 2
6. The Date and Venue for your Wedding Ceremony and Reception: How to choose
Month 2
Month 2
Month 2
9. Wedding Themes and Decor: How to Decide
Month 2
11. Wedding Rehearsal and Dinner: What you need to know
Month 3
12. Guest List: Who will you invite to the celebration?
Month 3
13. Wedding Invitations and Guest Thank You Notes
Month 3
14. The Wedding Officiant; Who can perform the ceremony?
Month 3
Month 4
17. Wedding Ceremony Script: Creating your Ceremony
Month 4
18. Gift ideas for your wedding party
Month 5
19. Wedding gifts and your gift registry
Month 5
20. Sending the wedding invitations
Month 8
21. Marriage License and Certificate
Month 9
22. You did it: Enjoy Your Wedding!
Months and Years to Come
23. Be Blessed!
This section will address the question, "how to plan my wedding". It will describe what to do first, and then what to do. Each step will suggest when you should begin work on this particular aspect of your wedding. In general, start soon after your engagement.
1. Knowing how to plan my wedding and planning early makes the process much less stressful
2. Time for more creativity
3. Ability to make changes in the plan that you initiative as well as addressing unexpected changes of which you have no control
4. Enables time to gather the needed resources whether financial, material, and products, or confirmation of contracts and commitments
5. Focuses on the joy of the journey as much as the destination, making the process a relationship-building process
This section entitled, how to plan my wedding, outlines several steps in the planning process. Click on the links associated with each step for more detailed information. Browse through each step. You will find that your own creativity will begin to emerge.
Pay attention to this as this is the process that will make your wedding day even more special.
Never discount the value of your own insights and the inner design processes that are within you waiting to emerge.
Our Wedding Guide will both serve as a library of concrete ideas and the birthing ground for your own rich interpretation of what your wedding day and experience should look like.
The following steps are major elements in planning your wedding. Each step listed below provides a few points, however, more detailed information can be found in the links associated with this multi-step checklist. There are more steps that you will want to add. This is a good start.
Each step indicates which month that action should take place. I have chosen a middle ground 9-month planning process as a guide. A 6-month planning process is short, and a 12 to 18-month planning process is ideal.